At times we seek assistance to enhance our appearance so we can be truly comfortable with ourselves and embrace life more fully. You may find, as many others have, that permanent hair removal can help you express your finest self and reveal the beautiful individual that you are.
I have been fortunate to have worked with many transgender and non-binary clients in my years of practice. Having done so, I have found that the treatments I suggest below are a guideline to assist you with your transition.
As hormones play a crucial role in hair growth and loss, it is essential to be established in your hormonal replacement treatments before you begin any hair removal process. I highly recommend you work with your physician to get to a balanced level before you begin any hair removal.
As for non-binary clients, some clients do not want to change their hormonal levels at all yet wish to have their facial hair removed. Please note that the hair removal process will be much more challenging as we are facing an uphill battle with testosterone stimulated hair growth. While it can be accomplished, it will take much more time and patience.
A great resource for hormonal replacement therapy is Planned Parenthood. You can find more information about the local services here:
IF YOUR HAIR IS DARK - I require all transgender and non-binary clients to begin the facial hair removal process with laser treatments . I have found that the slow process of electrolysis is frustrating for many transitional clients so I require they go through the laser process to thin out most of the hair. I will then be happy to work with post-laser clients to finalize the stubborn hair that still comes in.
I highly recommend you research the laser clinic before you commit to their treatments. You want to make sure they are using the best and most current lasers and have a dedicated staff that knows the proper settings for effective hair removal. I highly recommend Stacey Driskell at Ada West Dermatology ( ) as she has many years of experience treating transgender clients successfully. Stacey also offers free consultations, please request this when setting up your first visit.
IF YOUR HAIR IS BLONDE, RED OR GRAY - laser treatments will not work for you and we will begin your hair removal with electrolysis. Please note, since electrolysis is a slow process, as it's a hair at a time, you must have patience and commitment to the process for it to work properly.
For transgender clients who are getting prepared for their reassignment surgery, I do not offer this service (I do not do genital work on any clients). I recommend the two electrologists below. PLEASE NOTE: If you are starting to research your surgeon, etc. make sure you start the process of hair removal immediately. It takes months to complete the process. DO NOT wait until the last minute!
Also note, laser hair removal does not work for SRS. It is not a permanent hair elimination which can lead to problems with ingrown hair in the vaginal cavity after surgery. An electrologist can not help you with hair removal internally which can lead to problems and infection. Please take the time to educate yourself about the time it takes for full clearance and the risks of rushing the process. This is your new body - be patient and take care of it!
Misty Spears at Electrology by Misty or 208-250-0807 (FACE & BODY WORK)
I also highly recommend an Electrologist who works in Salt Lake City and specializes in SRS hair removal. Jennifer Willgues works at a gender confirmation clinic and offers weekend sessions so it would be worth a visit to SLC to get multi-hour sessions done. She is also qualified to offer pain injections to make the process easier.
Visit for more information.
I have seen some clients attempt to accomplish self hair removal with buying a home laser product or electrolysis machine. Please do not waste your time or money with these products. The home lasers do NOT work and if anything, I have seen them actually stimulate MORE hair! As for buying an electrolysis machine, I have seen clients come in with scars on their face from attempting to use them. Even a trained electrologist cannot see a hair follicle well enough to do self-electrolysis. Missing the follicle can cause burns and scars. Again, have patience with your transition and treat yourself with care.
I hope this information helps you navigate your new and wonderful journey. I am happy to answer any questions you might have that I haven't addressed here or connect you to someone who has personal experience with the entire process. You can contact me at Best wishes - Diane